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This is a nice and clean house. It feels fairly new...

This is a nice and clean house. It feels fairly new and is perfectly comfortable for 2 adults and 1 child or 2 couples. My son and I were visiting DuPont to mountain bike and although it’s a 2.5 mile road ride to the first accessible trail head, you can indeed “bike to DuPont”. Very convenient for outdoor activities.

Unfortunately, the host has “Covid-19” cleaning regulations upon check out that unless followed to the tee, assesses a $50 fee. We put fresh lines on the beds, started the towels in the laundry, did the dishes, and cleaned the house and kitchen (disinfected the counters and table). Because we didn’t put the dishes away and left them to dry in the rack (since we had just used them) and didn’t make the beds to his standards, he charged us the $50 on those technicalities. Beware!

Calling this cleaning process a “Covid-19” protocol is a bit egregious. If guest safety was the real concern for the host, why would having the previous guest do the bulk of the cleaning duties be considered safe? A masked and gloved professional would be a safer alternative. This should also be stipulated as part of the check out process before the guests arrive.
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